Lease Portfolio Management Software
Lease Portfolio Management Software
Lease Portfolio Management Software

- JetBase is built on a web based platform utilizing the Quick Base Cloud Technology (used by over 50% of the Fortune 500 companies). JetBase automates many of the ongoing lease management requirements facing aircraft lessors on a daily basis, as well as offering highly sophisticated EIS (Executive Information System) capabilities for senior management which allows them to easily understand the status of their lease portfolio. JetBase is fully scalable and able to meet the needs of the smallest lessor to the largest Wall Street investment group. Also, because it is web based, the system is available 24x7x365 anywhere there is internet service (from midtown Manhattan to the farthest outreaches of Africa). In fact JetBase is so easy to use, you can gain access through your web enabled telephone (Blackberry, iPhone, Andriod, iPad...) which brings to reality the concept of "real-time information instantly available at your fingertips".